How We Help Growing Churches
How We Help 
Growing Churches
"Use Technology to Accelerate Growth in 2020"
PLUS  How Smaller Churches Can Increase Generosity by up to 43%
PLUS  How Smaller Churches Can Increase Generosity by up to 43%

Need A Little Help?

Hey Pastor!

Thanks so much for checking out our Church Growth training resources. We believe that you will find the information very useful in increasing your church attendance.

I'm sure you know that using technology and social media is the way to go if you want to attract more people to your church. It's such a great blessing that we have access to tools that allows us to reach more people for the Kingdom of God.

On the other hand, having access to so many tools can be overwhelming and difficult! If we don't understand how to properly utilize the technology, then it becomes really difficult to leverage for growth.

Quite a few pastors have reported trying random things to get results... Throwing up a website, and posting fervently on facebook and other social media channels.

Although these are great things to do, this type of activity doesn't provide consistent results.

Forgive me if the next few sentences sound like business talk, but I need you to understand something very important. The first step to being successful in your church online marketing is to understand your "target market." We'll call this target market your church avatar.

The next thing you need to do is do a bit of market research on your avatar. We want to deep dive into any demographic and psychographic research that will help us understand and connect with them. More importantly, this will allow you to find out what pains they are struggling with right now. Chances are your ministry will be able to help them through this pain. That's what it's all about, right? :-)

For example, one church that we work with is in a booming community. Lot's a new families with children were observed in the research phase. To be precise, our research indicated a 37% increase in new families within their zip code. So we took this data and ran with it.
We designed a funnel that attracted parents!

What parent doesn't want the best for their children? Right? So we used the ad below to fuel the funnel. 
The key to making this funnel work was to use a paid ad. We target married men and women ages 24 - 36 within a 10 to 15 mile radius of the church. We excluded people who already "like" the facebook page. (This is SUPER important). We only want this ad to show to "cold traffic." These are people who have NEVER heard of the church.
So once parents see the ad, they usually want more information, so they'll click "learn more" and enter an email address... Just like you did to get to this page! So yes, this method does work!

Once we have their email address, we have emails set to go out to the parents with useful parenting information that will help them on their journey into parenthood.

Now when this is setup in your church, the content that's sent to your avatar is totally us to you, and is based on the doctrine in your church. The only requirement is that it's useful to them and provides value to them.

So, after the parents have entered their email address and started consuming the content, eventually they'll start getting invitations to service. This works incredibly well, because by the time the invitation is sent, the parents have already received so much valuable information from your church. They are no longer a "cold audience." Now they're a part of your "warm audience" because they see your church as an authority in the community and are very aware of your presence.

The beautiful thing about a system like this is that it never sleeps. As long as the ads are running, then videos are being played, emails are being sent, and correspondence is going on 24/7. It's like evangelism on steroids! :-)

So, all of this is great, right? But setting it up requires quite a bit of technical knowledge and a budget for ads. If you would like to discuss having my team build a funnel for your church, then I'd be glad to have the discussion with you. It's a completely "done for you" service. We literally take care of everything.

Book your call and let's get rid of those attendance problems so your ministry can grow, and you can see more lives changed!
Hey Pastor!

Thanks so much for checking out our Church Growth training resources. We believe that you will find the information very useful in increasing your church attendance.

I'm sure you know that using technology and social media is the way to go if you want to attract more people to your church. It's such a great blessing that we have access to tools that allows us to reach more people for the Kingdom of God.

On the other hand, having access to so many tools can be overwhelming and difficult! If we don't understand how to properly utilize the technology, then it becomes really difficult to leverage for growth.
Quite a few pastors have reported trying random things to get results... Throwing up a website, and posting fervently on facebook and other social media channels. 

Although these are great things to do, this type of activity doesn't provide consistent results.

Forgive me if the next few sentences sound like business talk, but I need you to understand something very important. The first step to being successful in your church online marketing is to understand your "target market." We'll call this target market your church avatar.

The next thing you need to do is do a bit of market research on your avatar. We want to deep dive into any demographic and psychographic research that will help us understand and connect with them. More importantly, this will allow you to find out what pains they are struggling with right now. Chances are your ministry will be able to help them through this pain. That's what it's all about, right? :-) 

For example, one church that we work with is in a booming community. Lot's a new families with children were observed in the research phase. To be precise, our research indicated a 37% increase in new families within their zip code. So we took this data and ran with it.
We designed a funnel that attracted parents! 

What parent doesn't want the best for their children? Right? So we used the ad below to fuel the funnel. 
The key to making this funnel work was to use a paid ad. We target married men and women ages 24 - 36 within a 10 to 15 mile radius of the church. We excluded people who already "like" the facebook page. (This is SUPER important). We only want this ad to show to "cold traffic." These are people who have NEVER heard of the church. 

So once parents see the ad, they usually want more information, so they'll click "learn more" and enter an email address... Just like you did to get to this page! So yes, this method does work! 

Once we have their email address, we have emails set to go out to the parents with useful parenting information that will help them on their journey into parenthood. 

Now when this is setup in your church, the content that's sent to your avatar is totally us to you, and is based on the doctrine in your church. The only requirement is that it's useful to them and provides value to them. 

So, after the parents have entered their email address and started consuming the content, eventually they'll start getting invitations to service. This works incredibly well, because by the time the invitation is sent, the parents have already received so much valuable information from your church. They are no longer a "cold audience." Now they're a part of your "warm audience" because they see your church as an authority in the community and are very aware of your presence. 

The beautiful thing about a system like this is that it never sleeps. As long as the ads are running, then videos are being played, emails are being sent, and correspondence is going on 24/7. It's like evangelism on steroids! :-) 

So, all of this is great, right? But setting it up requires quite a bit of technical knowledge and a budget for ads. If you would like to discuss having my team build a funnel for your church, then I'd be glad to have the discussion with you. It's a completely "done for you" service. We literally take care of everything. 

Book your call and let's get rid of those attendance problems so your ministry can grow, and you can see more lives changed!
✔ I watched the video.
✔ I’m a pastor or a minister. 
✔ I’m ready to seriously grow my church!
✔ I know technology can help me reach more people.
✔ I'd like your guys’ help with the tech part.
✔ Please: fill MY church, fast!
✔ With hungry souls.
✔ Do everything for me.
✔ Ads, website, targeting, tech.
✔ So that I can make more disciples!
✔ So that my ministry can reach new heights!  
✔ My board understands that technology is vital to ministry in 2019.
✔ I know a small budget will be required for this project, and that's ok.   
✔ I'm ready to get started now!  
✔ And I’d love to learn more.
Assuming all of that's true? 
"But will this work for MY church?"
Does a one-legged duck swim in circles?
Copyright 2019. Church Tech, Inc.
If you pinky-promise ALL the above is true?
Roger Brown
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